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Hotel. Casino. Private Club. Resort. Vacation Club. Restaurant.

Get to know Adele

Adele began her career in a full service casual chain restaurant. She has a natural talent for success. She worked her way up from an entry level position to a Service Manager and her supervisor wanted her at the highest volume location in the company. During her time there she was appointed as the mentor of the FOH training program, as well as supporting the training for four other locations. She was the mentor in her spare time while she helped open new locations! She said “Who needs rest! I’m busy!” She was the point person for new restaurant opening staffing. Interviews, interviews and more interviews! She understands the urgency that surrounds the hiring process. She then worked for a Food Services Contract Company as a Retail Services Manager. Always driving for success she gained skills in menu development, retail design, and marketing. Once again, she was called on to support over 20 locations by hosting monthly marketing calls, site visits, and opening new account locations.

Over the years, Adele has never lost focus service. She is passionate about her work and will do what it takes to always provide the very best service by going above and beyond. Her management style is fair, inclusive, and business minded. She has a strong attention to detail and enjoys helping others achieve their goals.

Adele is married with two sons. She enjoys spending time with her family, watching her kids play sports on the weekends, and cooking with her husband.


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